Computational Engineering
Software for Computational Engineering allows scientists to devise mathematical algorithms applied to computational fluid dynamics (CFD). This software can provide numerous advanced simulations with a wide range of applications.
CHAPSim – highly scalable Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software
CHAPSim is a highly scalable Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software developed for the nuclear thermal hydraulics community. It is a finite-difference-based incompressible solver that uses a pressure-correction method for direct numerical simulation (DNS) of flows with significant variable properties, such as fluids at supercritical conditions and liquid metals.
It is a finite-difference-based incompressible solver that uses a pressure-correction method for direct numerical simulation (DNS) of flows with significant variable properties, such as fluids at supercritical conditions and liquid metals.
STFC provides courses to introduce and use the CHAPSim software.
This software is open-source and available via GitHub.
Multiscale Universal Interface (MUI) – a C++ header-only implementation that enables message passing in complex multi-program scenarios
The Multiscale Universal Interface (MUI) provides a C++ header-only implementation that enables message passing in complex multi-program scenarios. Wrappers are provided for Python, C and Fortran, and the software is used by both academia and industry.
STFC provides advanced courses to introduce the code, targeting multiphysics code coupling and High Performance Computing.
This software is available via GitHub.
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2DECOMP&FFT – 2D-pencil and 1d-slab decomposition library with distributed FFT capabilities
The 2DECOMP&FFT library is a software framework written in modern Fortran to build large-scale parallel applications. It is designed for applications using three-dimensional structured meshes and can be used with any discretisation schemes based on a structured layout and where pencil decomposition can apply. It is based on a general-purpose 2D pencil decomposition for data distribution and data Input Output (I/O). A 1D slab decomposition is also available as a special case of the 2D pencil decomposition. The library includes a highly scalable and efficient interface to perform three-dimensional Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs). The library has been designed to be user-friendly, with a clean application programming interface hiding most communication details from application developers, and portable with support for modern CPUs and NVIDIA GPUs.
Training is provided as part of the CCP-Turbulence and UKTC together with our academic partners.
2DECOMP&FFT is open-source library available via GitHub
code_saturne – parallel general-purpose multi-physics Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software
code_saturne is a parallel general-purpose multi-physics Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software, developed by EDF R&D France and used by both academia and industry. It is highly flexible and adaptable software, and is scalable for use on HPC facilities. It also offers advanced CFD simulations using a range of turbulence models on any type of grids.
STFC provides advanced courses to introduce the software, targeting High Performance Computing.
This software is open-source and available via GitHub
PICLas – a plasma-kinetic particle-in-cell (PIC) code capable of high fidelity, three-dimensional simulations using high performance computing
PICLas is a plasma-kinetic particle-in-cell (PIC) code capable of high fidelity, three-dimensional simulations using high performance computing. The code is well suited for coupling electromagnetic fields with the transport and collision of neutral and charged particles like electrons and ions.
STFC does not currently provide training for this software.
This software is available via GitHub.
SPARTA – a highly scalable, parallel direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) code
SPARTA is a highly scalable, parallel direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) code, designed to work efficiently on the largest parallel machines. The code can be used for high-fidelity molecular-level gas dynamic simulations for a wide range of applications, particularly in the rarefied flow regime.
STFC does not currently provide training for this software.
This software is available via GitHub.
Xcompact3d – a Fortran-based framework of high-order finite-difference flow solvers dedicated to the study of turbulent flows
Xcompact3d is a Fortran-based framework of high-order finite-difference flow solvers dedicated to the study of turbulent flows using high fidelity modelling such as Direct and Large Eddy Simulations (DNS/LES). Xcompact3d can simulate incompressible or weakly compressible flow. The Immersed Boundary Method (IBM) can also simulate complex geometries, while retaining high order accuracy.
STFC provides training together with Imperial College London and the UKTC community.
Xcompact3d is open-source software available via GitHub
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