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Software Engineering

Software Engineering consists of specialist software engineers who are deployed across STFC Scientific Computing’s key themes, programmes and services. They provide the specialist skills and expertise required for specific projects being carried out within our key areas.

Our themes, programmes and platforms all need the specialist services of Research Software Engineers (RSEs). We ensure that whenever a new project starts we have the resources and expertise needed to ensure its success.

Individual RSEs within this group may be working on multiple, small, short-term projects or on one large, resource-hungry, project. They have the training and tools required to accelerate research or meet infrastructure demands as they arise.

We often have roles available for Software Engineers and other technical professionals so please check the UKRI Careers Portal for any vacancies if you are interested in joining our team.

Related Case Studies


For more information and all enquiries, please contact us.

Colour-enhanced image of computer racks in an aisle